The average check of car loans in Russia in March reached a record amount

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The National Bureau of Credit Histories (NBCH) reported that the average amount of car loans issued by Russian banks, both for new cars and used cars, in March 2021 amounted to 1.052 million rubles. This indicator is the highest in the entire history of observations.

Thus, the average check for auto loans in the last month increased by 23.6% compared to March 2020. It is also 7.2% more than in February 2021.

The growth in the amount of lending is observed in other areas. The average amount of a mortgage loan issued in March reached its maximum and amounted to 2.92 million rubles.

In March, the average size of car loans in Moscow amounted to 1,539.1 thousand rubles, the Moscow region – 1,279.7 thousand rubles, St. Petersburg – 1,226.8 thousand rubles. The largest growth occurred in the Kemerovo region – + 74.8%, the Republic of Tatarstan – + 29.6% and the Samara region – + 29.4%.