Taxi driver dropped Vodonaeva out of the car because of a mask dispute

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A Moscow taxi driver kicked TV presenter Alena Vodonaeva out of the car over a medical mask dispute. She posted footage of the incident in Instagram stories on Monday, October 26.

According to Vodonaeva, the driver of the taxi she called was without a mask, and when asked to put it on, he refused, stressing that the passenger was “traveling safely”. As a result, the man stopped in the middle of the road and demanded to leave the car.

“Get out, look for another taxi, even in a mask, even in a gas mask, at least in anything. Get out, I finished the trip, ”the taxi driver said.

Vodonaeva noted that she spends from 50 to 80 thousand rubles a month on a taxi, and as a result, she is “made a fool for her own money,” adding that she was discouraged by the “impudence and rudeness” of the driver. She turned to the aggregator with a request to carry out explanatory work with drivers about the importance of wearing masks during a pandemic.

On October 24, State Duma deputy Yaroslav Nilov said that the free distribution of masks and gloves would convince Russian residents not to ignore the protection measures against coronavirus.

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