Swiss journalist and military man survived attack in Burkina Faso

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A local soldier and a Swiss journalist escaped an armed attack in Burkina Faso on Tuesday. An informed source told RIA Novosti on Wednesday, April 28.

The interlocutor of the agency said that the military man managed to escape by hiding in the forest. The Swiss journalist escaped and has already arrived in Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso.

On Monday 26 April, an anti-poacher patrol in the province of Compienga was attacked by gunmen. The attack killed three foreigners: the Spanish journalists who were filming the documentary, Roberto Fraile and David Beriain, and the Irishman Rory Young. In addition, the body of a Burkina Faso soldier was found.

Against the background of the incident, the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) demanded that local authorities conduct a prompt investigation into the attack on media workers and bring those responsible to justice.

The organization noted that they were shocked by the murder of journalists who worked on a documentary about the protection of natural parks from poachers. At the same time, the federation is confident that the attack on the journalists was planned.