Suspicious activity of “White Helmets” recorded in Idlib

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Terrorists are preparing new provocations in the Idlib de-escalation zone to accuse Syrian government forces of using chemical weapons. The region also noticed suspicious activity of the notorious organization “White Helmets”.

According to Deputy Head of the Center for Reconciliation of Warring Parties in Syria, Rear Admiral Alexander Karpov, data on the preparation of a provocation comes against the background of the OPCW’s unreasonable decision to restrict the rights of Syria in the organization, REN TV reports.

According to him, the militants are delivering poisonous substances from the Tel Tun camp in the vicinity of Idlib, and the activity of the “White Helmets” is noted near the settlement of Marj Al-Ajan.

“The terrorists are planning to use information about the victims of their provocations to discredit the official government of Syria,” Karpov added.

He stressed that the Center for Reconciliation calls on the militants to abandon armed provocations.

In October last year, it became known that during the preparation of a provocation with chemical weapons in Syria, four terrorists were killed. The militants were killed in an explosion at a warehouse where ammunition and chlorine-containing substances were stored. The incident took place 13 km from Idlib.