“Support of Russia” proposed to introduce the term “raider seizure” in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

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The Opora Rossii business association proposed to introduce the term “raider seizure” into the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The corresponding bill was proposed to the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District Yuri Chaika, he sent it to the State Duma of the Russian Federation. This was announced on Tuesday, November 24, by the author of the bill, the manager of the Bureau for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs and Investors of the Krasnodar regional branch of the “Support of Russia” Murat Dudarev.

“The initiative was sent to the Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District, Yuri Chaika. He took it and sent it to the State Duma to discuss the possible formation of a legislative initiative, ”Dudarev quoted TASS as saying.

According to him, the federal office of Opora Rossii sent the bill on November 20 to the presidential administration.

As follows from the explanatory note, the amendments fix the term in the Criminal Code and imply the introduction into the law of responsibility for the obstacle to legitimate business activity in the form of raider seizures, as well as the elimination of the cause of criminal procedural and judicial pressure on business.

The amendments establish the corpus delicti in the new article 169.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The amendments introduce liability for limiting the rights and legitimate interests of an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, limiting independence, other interference in activities, taking possession of property, committed by raider seizure, “if these acts caused particularly large damage (more than 3 million rubles) or entailed other grave consequences” …

“The concept of” raider seizure “, proposed for adoption, includes actions aimed at illegal seizure of the property of an enterprise, or at establishing illegal control over the operational activities of an enterprise, committed against the will of the owner with the use of violence or the threat of its use or without it, as well as with the use by a person of his official position, or actions aimed at transferring ownership of the property of the enterprise, if the listed actions were committed with abuse by the creditor, or the founder (participant) of the legal entity with his rights, ”follows from the explanatory note.

The organization noted that earlier the definition of the term was given only in the legal literature.

In early August, Alexander Mordkovich, the general director of LaMax, which manages the Tri Kita shopping center near Moscow, announced the raider seizure of the center. With a corresponding statement, he turned to the prosecutor’s office of the Moscow region.

The investigation opened a criminal case into the raider seizure of the shopping center. Criminal proceedings were started under Part 2 of Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Arbitrariness”.

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