Summer residents were warned about the rise in price of garden tools

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Shovels and rakes have risen in price in Russia by almost a quarter, the demand for them is returning to pre-pandemic levels, according to a study by the analytical resource “Chek Index”.

Experts compared the average receipts and data on the sale of garden tools for the period from April 1 to April 25 in 2019-2021 throughout Russia. The research results are at the disposal of RIA Novosti.

It turned out that the average bill for buying a shovel in April was 402 rubles, which is 23% higher than in April 2020. At the same time, the rake will cost less, their average price of 250 rubles – 22% higher than in April last year. The average bill for a garden broom was 253 rubles, which is 18% higher than a year ago.

Sales of garden tools before the summer season increased in comparison with last year: for example, in April 2021 we managed to sell 70% more shovels, while the number of sold rakes and brooms is about twice as high as last year’s level (by 116% and 98% respectively).

Analysts noted a gradual return of demand to the 2019 level. However, sales are still lower than in the pre-pandemic April. So, shovels from April 1 to 25 in physical terms were sold less by 12%, rakes – by 15%, and brooms – by 17%.

The average bill for the purchase of seedlings increased to 478 rubles (by 32%) compared to April 2020, while sales in kind increased by 78% compared to last year’s level. At the same time, the indicator is 73% lower than in the pre-pandemic year.

The first half of this spring turned out to be colder than in 2020. In this regard, the Russians were in no hurry to engage in gardening work, having acquired fewer seedlings and planting equipment in April, analysts say.

Experts also note the annual growth of Russians’ interest in dacha leisure and picnics. Folding tables and chairs have become more popular, which are convenient to transport and store in a compact form. The average price for buying a folding table was 1607 rubles, which is 29% higher than in April last year. At the same time, the volume of sales in physical terms increased by almost 3.3 times (by 229%) compared to last year’s level, and also by 2.2 times (by 118%) compared to 2019.

On April 27, vaccination of citizens began in Russian regions before the summer cottage season.