State Department confirms Biden’s plans to close Guantanamo

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Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has confirmed the intentions of the administration of US President Joe Biden to close the special prison at Guantanamo Bay.

“We think it should be closed, and that is definitely our goal that we will focus on in the coming months,” Blinken said in an interview with CBS News on May 2.

At the same time, the Secretary of State did not specify the timing of the closure of the penitentiary.

On February 13, White House press secretary Jen Psaki spoke about the US administration’s intention to close the special prison at Guantanamo Bay.

In January 2018, the previous President of the United States, Donald Trump, signed a prison preservation decree.

Guantanamo Bay is a camp for persons suspected by the US authorities of serious crimes, mainly terrorism, waging war on the side of the enemy. It is located at an indefinitely leased naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. In total, 775 prisoners passed through the special institution, most of them never appeared before the court. There are currently about 40 prisoners left there.