Sobyanin announced records for passenger traffic at the MCC

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the MCC (Moscow Central Circle) has broken all possible records for passenger traffic. However, according to him, this transport system is already working at the limit of its capabilities.

“It turned out that all the most optimistic forecasts [о числе пассажиров МЦК] broken, all records were broken. Today MCC, despite the shortening of the interval and the increase in intensity [движения], is already working at the limit of its capabilities, “Sobyanin said on Sunday, April 4, on the air of the Russia 1 TV channel.

After the BKL (Big Ring Metro Line) is launched, the mayor stressed, an even greater effect is expected and residents of the waste region will have more options for transplants.

“Some of the overloaded stations will be unloaded today due to the new logistics of passengers,” added Sobyanin.

In January, the city authorities announced that 11 metro stations are planned to open in Moscow in 2021, which will become part of the BCL. It was about the stations “Karamyshevskaya”, “Mnevniki”, “Terekhovo”, “Kuntsevskaya”, “Davydkovo”, “Aminevskaya”, “Michurinsky Prospekt”, “Prospect Vernadsky”, “Novatorskaya”, “Kaluzhskaya” (“Vorontsovskaya”) and Zyuzino.

BCL is the largest project in the history of the capital’s metro construction and the longest circular metro line in the world. By the end of the year, tunneling work will be completed on it, and the ring will finally be closed in 2022, according to the mayor’s website.

The total length of the Big Ring will be 70 km – 31 stations will be located on it.