Sobyanin announced a slowdown in the spread of coronavirus in Moscow

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Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the coronavirus epidemic in the capital is slowing down. According to him, there is no longer an explosive growth rate. It is moving at a slower pace.

On the air of the Russia-1 TV channel, the mayor noted that this can be seen from the dynamics of the disease, hospitalizations, the growth of covid pneumonia, as well as a number of other indicators. And this dynamics is decreasing from week to week.

Sobyanin pointed out that for a number of indicators, the dynamics were in the region of 50-60%, then 30%, and in the last week already 15%.

Meanwhile, Sobyanin said that not all managers of Russian enterprises transfer employees over 65 to remote work. Thus, they violate the requirement voiced in connection with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Now the mayor turns to the chairman of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions, Mikhail Antontsev, with a proposal to involve trade unions in this issue.

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