Snyder Cut teases new Justice League trailer with menacing Darkseid close-up

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The Snyder Cut of Justice League almost started as a rumor. Then it was an endless parade of hashtags. Now it’s 2021, Zack Snyder’s version of Justice League is almost here, and according to a recent tweet from the director himself, we’re getting a new trailer for the film on Valentine’s Day.

If you can’t wait any longer for the full preview, you’re in luck: Snyder’s Friday tweet includes a short, 18-second teaser video. We see the Justice League boldly marching toward the camera. A sweeping pan reveals an armada of alien spaceships descending on Metropolis, and, just before closing on a few quick cuts of Batman and The Flash in action, the teaser gives us our best look yet at the Snyder Cut’s new supervillain, Darkseid.

Blink, and you’ll miss it — unless you stopped by the Snyder Cut’s main twitter account for a freeze-frame.

The teaser is the second in what appears to be a series of videos counting down to the full Valentine’s Day trailer. On Feb. 11, Snyder posted a short clip featuring the Batmobile racing into action, Wonder Woman in battle, and Superman charging up his heat vision.

We’ll still have to wait till Sunday for the full trailer, but these short teasers are still a delight, and they give us our first good look at Darkseid close up.

In 2017, Snyder departed Justice League after a family tragedy, leaving Joss Whedon to finish the film. Fans unhappy with the result campaigned for Snyder’s version of the blockbuster, and with keen support from the full cast, we’re finally going to get it. 

Snyder’s Justice League hits HBO Max on March 18.


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