Shoigu accused NATO of militarizing the Black Sea region

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Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu accused NATO of seeking to militarize the Black Sea region.

The head of the defense department made this statement to reporters after the completion of the International Army Games – 2020 (“ARMY-2020”).

“The Alliance is committed to the militarization of the Black Sea region. The ships of the USA and their allies from among the non-regional states regularly enter the Black Sea water area, “TASS quoted him as saying on Saturday, September 5.

Shoigu noted that the North Atlantic Alliance is developing the military infrastructure of its Eastern European allies. In particular, it modernizes airfields, naval bases and ports, creates facilities for the deployment of military formations, etc.

In addition, NATO continues to deploy a missile defense system, disrupting the strategic balance of power.

“In 2019, work was carried out to improve the recently commissioned Aegis Ashore missile defense system in Romania. Its technical capabilities make it possible to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles to destroy targets in the European territory of Russia, ”Shoigu stressed.

In July, it was reported that NATO agreed to increase its military presence in the Black Sea due to the “strengthening” of Russia at the request of the Ukrainian side.

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