Several more regions of Russia have made December 31 a day off

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The Kostroma, Volgograd and Tomsk regions, as well as the Republic of Chuvashia, announced December 31 as a day off for civil servants.

The heads of regions on December 7 explained that making this decision relied on the results of surveys among local residents. In particular, in the Kostroma region, this initiative was supported by 80%.

“We make a decision to postpone the working day from December 31 to December 26. <…> Children on this day should be busy according to the weekday schedule so that parents can work peacefully. I ask you to take into account the organization of work of the federal authorities so that those who need to receive public services on December 26 receive them in accordance with the established procedure, ”the press service of the government of the Governor of the Kostroma Region Sergey Sitnikov quotes.

The governor of the Tomsk region, Sergei Zhvachkin, did the same and signed an order to postpone the working day from Thursday, December 31, to Saturday, December 26. According to him, residents of the region should have the opportunity to prepare for one of the main holidays of the year.

The head of Chuvashia, Oleg Nikolaev, on his Instagram page said that he had conducted a survey on social networks. More than 40 thousand people responded in just one day. And over 90% were in favor of December 31 as a day off.

The Governor of the Volgograd Region Andrey Bocharov also decided to declare December 31, 2020 a day off. The corresponding initiative was voiced earlier by the head of the Volgograd Regional Trade Union Committee Tatiana Genze.

Earlier on the same day, it became known that the working day in the Ryazan region will also be postponed from December 31 to December 26.

Last week, the heads of Stavropol, Pskov and Murmansk regions, and Tatarstan also decided to declare December 31 a non-working day. The first to take this step were in the Belgorod region.

On December 1, the head of Sober Russia, a member of the Public Chamber, Sultan Khamzaev, asked the heads of the regions to declare December 31 a day off. In his opinion, an official day off will allow Russians to spend this day with their families and make them calmer and happier.

The press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov noted that the regional authorities themselves can decide whether to make December 31 a non-working day.

On December 7, State Duma deputy Gennadi Onishchenko proposed to shorten the New Year holidays. At the same time, he advocated the introduction of a day off on December 31, since “no one works anyway.”

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