Several explosions sounded in Stepanakert

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Several explosions were heard in Stepanakert. This was announced on Sunday, November 1, by the Izvestia correspondent.

The explosions thundered in the Karabakh capital from 8:30 to 10:00 Moscow time. Air-raid sirens were activated for a short time in the city. There is no data on destruction within the city.

On the same day, Armenia reported that the Azerbaijani Air Force on Sunday night launched air strikes against the city of Martakert and neighboring settlements of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh.

On the eve, the state service of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh for emergency situations reported that the armed forces of Azerbaijan launched missile strikes on the Karabakh cities of Stepanakert, Martuni, Martakert and Shushi.

The Izvestia correspondent reported on the same day that as a result of the air strike, about 40% of the market in Stepanakert was destroyed. The second shell hit the private sector. There are no military facilities located nearby, no casualties were reported.

Another aggravation of the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh happened on September 27. Baku and Yerevan accused each other of shelling. During the period from 9 to 26 October, the parties agreed on three[ceasefireregimeswhichwereneverobservedOnOctober30inGenevawiththeassistanceoftheOSCEMinskSettlementGroupco-chairs(USARussiaFrance)theyagreednottofireoncivilians[прекращенияогнякоторыетакинесоблюдались30октябрявЖеневеприсодействиисопредседателейМинскойгруппыОБСЕпоурегулированию(СШАРФФранция)договорилисьнеобстреливатьмирныхграждан

Armenia and Azerbaijan have disputed the ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh since 1988. Then the autonomous region announced its secession from the Azerbaijan SSR, after several years of hostilities Baku lost control over this territory.

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