Seven teens trapped in TikTok swing challenge

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Teenagers have become trapped filming themselves on baby swings for a social media challenge on TikTok

Teenagers are warned not to waste firefighters’ time by becoming trapped in baby and toddler swings attempting a social media challenge on TikTok.

Derbyshire fire crews have had to rescue trapped teenagers on seven separate occasions since May.

It comes after several fire services across the UK reported similar issues with baby and toddler swings.

A spokesman for the service said it was not a firefighter’s job to rescue “aspiring social media stars”.

Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service said all of their cases had taken place between May and August.

Watch manager Dan Lewin said: “While we are tied up at the local park releasing the next aspiring social media star from a swing, we are unavailable for genuine emergencies.”

It follows several cases in Wales where fire crews were called to free youngsters who had filmed themselves trying to use swings intended for much younger children.

Earlier in July, a video of a 14-year-old girl from Oxfordshire being rescued from a swing by fire crews made headlines around the world.

Layani Mclean was in a local park in Faringdon when she became stuck in a baby swing. Firefighters managed to release her after 90 minutes.

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