September 6: what absolutely must not be done on Eutychius the Pacific

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This Sunday Orthodox Christians honor the holy martyr Eutychios, a disciple of the apostles John the Theologian and Paul. In Russia, this day was considered full of dangers.

Eutykhios lived at the turn of the 1st-2nd centuries in the Palestinian city of Sevastia. Although the saint was not counted among the apostles, he is also known for his works, which he created on the basis of sermons about Christ.

Eutyches was first a disciple of John the Theologian, and then of the Apostle Paul. Many trials and torments fell to his lot for preaching Christianity.

According to popular belief, on September 6, one cannot go far from home and look at the dawn for a long time. Ancestors believed that on this day a witch’s fire wanders on the street, which could bring illness or other misfortune to a person.

A bad omen on this day was considered a strong wind, from which they tried to hide in every possible way.

In the old days, special attention was paid to dreams that were dreamed on the night of September 6. It is believed that they can be used to determine what really worries a person or what is the reason for his failures.

It was strictly forbidden to gossip or discuss someone on this day, otherwise evil spirits would be attracted, and every evil word would turn against the ill-wisher. It is also forbidden to bake and use sharp objects.

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