Sepp Blatter demands suspension of Gianni Infantino

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Sepp Blatter, the former president of Fifa. – Fabrice COFFRINI / AFP

Please don’t laugh. While we learned Thursday the opening of an investigation against the president of Fifa Gianni Infantino by the extraordinary prosecutor Stefan Keller in the context of the sprawling case of corruption known as Fifagate, the former number 1 of the world body (1998-2015) could not resist the temptation to give its opinion on the subject.

“For me, the situation is clear: the Fifa Ethics Commission must open proceedings against Mr. Infantino and must therefore suspend him”, Sepp Blatter said in a statement sent to Reuters and relayed by our colleagues from The team.

Platini done in sobriety

As a reminder, Blatter was suspended and then banned from his kingdom by the Fifa Ethics Commission after having been the subject of criminal proceedings in Switzerland in 2015. He has always denied the accusations of corruption brought against him. The investigation is still ongoing and, for now, the Swiss has not been charged.

Himself targeted by an investigation for “suspicion of unfair management and forgery in the titles” in the context of the case of the payment of two million Swiss francs by Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini, usually not averse to criticism of against Gianni Infantino, this time remained very sober. The entourage of the French simply told The team “Take note” of this court decision.

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