Scientist spoke about contraindications for vaccination against COVID-19

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Professor of the National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamalei Anatoly Altstein told in what cases the vaccination against coronavirus should be abandoned.

According to him, at the time of vaccination, a person should feel good.

“He shouldn’t have a temperature,” Altstein said on the air of the Moscow Talking radio station.

In addition, allergy sufferers and those patients who know that such vaccinations cause complications in them should be refused vaccination – doctors must be informed about this.

At the same time, the virologist stressed that there are no other contraindications even for the elderly.

Earlier, on August 2, the first vaccination against COVID-19 was reported – it was carried out in Kazakhstan. The vaccination was received by the director of the International Vaccination Center Kaisar Tabynov. The COVAX-19 vaccine was developed in Australia and is in Phase I clinical trials.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Health, Mikhail Murashko, said on the same day that mass vaccination against coronavirus infection in Russia is planned to begin in October, and the influenza vaccine will begin to be supplied to the regions from August 10. The vaccine will begin to be given first of all to people who are at risk – medical workers and teachers. Vaccinations for Russian citizens will be free.

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