Save Trump and save his skin

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Can Donald Trump with impunity incite the Americans to insurgency?

Chapter 115 of the United States Penal Code, which deals with treason, sedition and subversive activity, states that anyone who incites, organizes, assists or engages in any sedition or insurgency against the authority of the United States is liable to a fine, up to 10 years in prison and loss of the right to hold public office.

With what happened last Wednesday, any citizen other than the President of the United States would already be behind bars.

How to neutralize a criminal president? Could Trump be forgiven? Could he be forgiven by Mike Pence who became interim president?

The normal mechanisms of the state seem powerless in the face of this situation. This is why various subterfuges are deployed to curb Trump.

Thus, Trump has lost some of his freedom of speech. He is banned from Twitter, Facebook and a few other platforms.

Unfortunately, this ban, rather than going through a judge, was decided by the boards of digital platforms. But could it be otherwise? Probably not.

Republican delusions

Most Republican elected officials refuse to support Trump’s dismissal, although several have said he deserves the sanction.

The Republicans fear that Trump’s trial will also be their trial with public opinion.

At best, Republicans cite the heightened social divisions that the referral process to Congress would involve.

At worst, they accuse Democrats of being responsible for last Wednesday’s insurgency. In social media, the delirium of Republicans is increasing day by day.

Thus, Nancy Pelosi is accused of being a hateful and satanic drunkard who would go after Trump, a moderate man, who would only seek to obtain a peaceful transfer of power.

The end of the United States would be near given the Communist agenda of the Democrats. It would also be necessary by all means to prevent the left from coming to power.

We are speechless in front of so much nonsense. But it’s pretty much the same nonsense that was uttered by Trump himself a few days ago.

It is not certain that Trump will succeed in finding or creating new platforms to dump his gall.

Without their great guru, will Republicans continue to ramble?

Compromise of the republicans

The compromise Republicans seem to be asking for is to leave Trump alone, in exchange for supporting several Biden policies, in the spirit of national reconciliation. It is doubtful that they will succeed.

In the meantime, the QAnon group could pay the price for the struggle between Democrats and Republicans and turn into a scapegoat.

The elected republicans who incited the insurrection could thus breathe a great sigh of relief and continue to swear by all the gods that they have never considered the interest of the republic.

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