Sakhalin youth are waiting for a single ticket to the Far East

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The All-Russian Patriotic Forum “OstroVa” presented the idea of ​​a single air ticket for young people, which gives the right to visit four regions of the Far East within 14 days for ten thousand rubles. The idea is being finalized and will soon be submitted to the RF Government for consideration. In case of a positive decision by the authorities, young people of Russia will be able to personally verify the attractiveness of the Far Eastern region for living and working.
In addition, the implementation of the idea in practice will increase tourist flows and benefit the airlines. The Sakhalin Oblast, Primorskiy, Kamchatskiy and Khabarovskiy krais are supposed to be the pilot areas for the project. The project was initially supported by the head of the island region. The Sakhalin Region Tourism Agency and representatives of the island business are ready to actively participate in the implementation of the idea.

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