Sakhalin residents who lost their children and a house in a fire will be helped to buy housing

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In Sakhalin, a large family, which recently lost its home in a fire, will be allocated money from the regional reserve fund. This was told by the government of the island region.

The Governor of the Sakhalin Region Valery Limarenko ordered to pay the family 8 million rubles for the purchase of their own housing. Immediately after the tragedy, they were given temporary housing in a block-type hostel. And now we decided to help with the purchase of a permanent one.

In addition, Sakhalin residents have already received a one-time aid in the amount of 1 million rubles. The surviving family members are now being handled by doctors and psychologists. The mother of the family and the eldest 21-year-old son are being treated at the Ankudinov hospital, and the 14-year-old boy and 5-year-old girl are in the children’s regional hospital.

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