Ryazan student stole 45 thousand rubles from the card

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By admin

In two days, more than half a million rubles were stolen from the cards of four Ryazan residents. The regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs informs about it.

Ryazan police are investigating a number of frauds, during which more than 570 thousand rubles were stolen from the cards of Ryazan residents.

The attackers pose as bank security officers and inform the client that they are trying to steal his savings. The “workers” ask to transfer money to a reserve account and then steal the funds.

Thus, more than 106 thousand were stolen from a 44-year-old resident of the Moscow region, 226 thousand were stolen from a 54-year-old resident of Ryazan, 45 thousand from an 18-year-old student, and a 36-year-old resident of the regional center lost 197 thousand rubles.

Criminal cases have been initiated. Fraudsters face up to 5 years in prison.

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