Ryazan schoolgirl filmed a teacher masturbating in class

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A seventh grade student from a school in the Ryazan region filmed a teacher masturbating in front of her. The incident was reported on September 6 by the “Regional Ryazanskaya Gazeta”.

The only student was in the classroom during the English lesson at the Klyuchanskaya secondary school No. 11, Korablinsky district, when the 54-year-old teacher was committing sexual acts. At the same time, the man tried to speak something in English, and the girl repeated after him.

The girl told her mother about the incident, who filed a report with the police.

As specified, it was not the first time that the teacher masturbated in front of the schoolgirl, but she was afraid to talk about what was happening, since she did not have evidence.

The teachers were fired, and the Ministry of Education began an official check, writes Gazeta.ru. Psychologists work with the girl, under whom the teacher was engaged in self-satisfaction.

The teacher has a family and children, colleagues did not notice any oddities behind him. The situation is being checked by the prosecutor’s office of the Ryazan region.

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