Russians began to more often agree to “black” salaries

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By admin

The number of Russians who agree to a “black” salary has grown in three months and amounts to 44%, follows from a survey of the SuperJob job search service. The study, which took place in December, involved 1600 respondents from all regions of the country.

Service analysts concluded that 44% of respondents are ready to agree to a salary “in an envelope” today. Less than a third of Russians (31%) do not want to accept unfavorable conditions for themselves. A large share of respondents (25%) found it difficult to answer.

“There are especially many potentially willing to receive payments under the“ black ”or“ gray ”scheme among men: 49% versus 39% among women. The respondents aged 25 to 34 and those over 45 (46% each) are ready to take risks, ”says the results of a survey received by Izvestia.

It is noted that the level of jobseeker anxiety increased in relation to August-September, when the number of Russians willing to receive an “envelope” wage was 39% each.

At the same time, it still corresponds to the average values ​​for 11 years of observations (44%).

“The number of job seekers who are ready for unfavorable conditions for the sake of employment is growing during periods of economic instability. So, at the height of self-isolation in April 2020, 46% of Russians agreed to a “black” salary, ”the report says.

Most often, respondents expressed their willingness to receive a salary “in an envelope” in February of the post-crisis 2009 (60%), least often in March 2018 and in August-September 2020 (39% each), analysts of the service concluded.

Earlier, on December 16, the portal published a rating of the highest paid vacancies in Moscow for December. These included an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, a barber, and a PHP developer.

The day before, on December 15, the HeadHunter portal published a rating of the most in-demand professions in 2020. The leaders of the rating were sales managers, engineers and drivers. The ranking also includes doctors, accountants, account managers, turners, sales representatives, locksmiths and sales consultants.

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