Russian candidate for mayor of New York advises Russians to be more positive

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Vitaly Filipchenko, a Siberian-born running for mayor of New York, urged Russians to be more positive. He announced this on Tuesday, May 4.

“If a simple person asked me about how it was in New York, I would gladly tell you. I have already achieved some results and would like the Russians not only to go to New York, to London, but also to try to achieve something in Russia. We need more positive energy, “RIA Novosti quotes him.

The native of Tomsk also noted the friendliness of the New Yorkers.

“In New York people, when they walk down the street, if you meet your eyes, they always say hello. They will always smile at you. It is customary here to greet strangers, ask how you are doing. This is a very good manner. After all, people see that you are disposed, that you are glad. Positive energy is transmitted, ”Filipchenko said.

As a comparison, the mayoral candidate cited a situation when he asked strangers in Moscow how they were doing.

“People immediately had a reaction“ who are you ”. It almost came to rudeness. Like, why are you greeting me. I faced the situation when I flew to Moscow five years ago. Out of habit, I asked the police officer at the airport how I could switch to the Aeroexpress. He simply said to me: “What am I to you, a pointer or something? Go there, find out further. ” I was shocked. Here it is considered rude. Go to any policeman, ask to be photographed in Manhattan – they will stand with you without any problems, even smile, ”the Russian said.

A native of Tomsk, Filipchenko came to the United States more than 10 years ago. He married an American woman and has his own shipping company. The Russian intends to run for mayor of New York as an independent candidate. In March, he said that road building, affordable housing and education were among the priorities of his campaign program.

The New York City primary is slated for June 22, with a general election on November 2. The post of mayor of the city is now occupied by Bill De Blasio.

In 2013, de Blasio won the mayoral election in New York, becoming the first Democratic candidate in 24 years. Before him, Republican Michael Bloomberg held this post for 12 years.