Russian Ambassador to the United States assessed the prospects for a meeting between Putin and Biden

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Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that the prospect of a meeting between Russian President Vladimir Putin and American leader Joe Biden will depend, among other things, on the epidemiological situation in the world.

According to Antonov, in a pandemic, it is difficult to talk about the prospects for resuming face-to-face events, including at the highest level.

“We proceed from the fact that the formation of a schedule of political contacts will depend on the normalization of the epidemic situation, the content of such meetings, the opportunities for communication on the fields of multilateral events,” RIA Novosti quoted him on Thursday, January 21.

The Russian ambassador noted that any plans are subject to discussion and agreement with the new administration of the United States.

Earlier Thursday, it was reported that White House spokesman Jen Psaki said she had no information about a possible telephone conversation between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin.

According to Psaki, Biden intends to first call the leaders of the US partner countries in order to “restore these relations and discuss current global threats and challenges.”

On January 20, Biden took the oath of office and took office as the 46th President of the United States. The new head of state emphasized in his inaugural speech that with his election, democracy had won.

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