Russian Ambassador to Germany Sergei NECHAEV: “It is important to prevent a repetition of the terrible tragedy!”

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Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, dear compatriots, friends!

I sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming holy holiday – the 76th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. and the liberation of Germany and Europe from Nazism. This is a great historical event, which made it possible for everyone to enjoy the most important human right – the right to life.

The war brought innumerable suffering and pain, its tragedy is forever inscribed in the memory of mankind. The peoples of the multinational Soviet Union paid a huge price for the Victory – 27 million lives. These days, we bow our heads to those who sacrificed themselves on the battlefield against fascism and who became civilian victims of the brutal war of destruction and plunder unleashed 80 years ago by Nazi Germany. It was not only about the conquest of territories, but also about the physical extermination of Slavic peoples, Jews, Gypsies, representatives of other nationalities.

The war left a deep mark on the destinies of the peoples of the Soviet Union, it is inseparable from the history of every Russian family. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens are buried in German soil, who did not live to see Victory Day and who gave their lives for the sake of future generations. We are grateful to the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany at all levels, public organizations, ordinary citizens of the Federal Republic of Germany, and our compatriots for the attentive care of these graves, assistance in finding the lost names of our heroes.

It is important to prevent a repetition of the terrible tragedy. Attempts not only to distort, but also to revise the generally recognized results of the Second World War continue unabated. Consignment to oblivion for the sake of the political conjuncture of historical realities leads to the destruction of the foundations of the world order created 76 years ago at the cost of tremendous efforts and sacrifices. The prevention of falsification of history, the living memory of compatriot veterans are extremely important. This is the goal of the new amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted last year following a nationwide vote. Some of them consolidate the priority of ensuring the protection of historical truth, as well as providing support to our compatriots living abroad in the exercise of their rights and preservation of the all-Russian cultural identity. Working with compatriots, as an important component of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, is one of the main priorities of the activities of the Russian Embassy in Germany.

The modern world is characterized by ever new challenges. Allegations that are contrary to common sense are multiplying against our country. In this sense, it is of great importance to ensure the inviolability of the historical reconciliation of the peoples of Russia and Germany.

It is important that the past remains a part of our life. In recent years, civic memory initiatives have taken root in Germany, as in many other countries. Unfortunately, due to ongoing quarantine restrictions, a number of traditional memorial events with a large number of participants will not be able to take place. However, the celebration of Victory Day is being successfully implemented in alternative creative formats on the Internet and social networks. It is pleasant to note that representatives of the Russian-speaking diaspora in Germany, including young people, use these technologies to give publicity to the theme of the holiday, fill it with specific thematic content, and a patriotic civic position.

In his annual Address to the Federal Assembly on April 21 this year, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin recalled: “It is very important that the fate and victories of our outstanding ancestors and, of course, contemporaries, their love for the Motherland, the desire to make a personal contribution to its development ”.

Taking this opportunity, I would like to heartily congratulate the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, residents of besieged Leningrad, former prisoners of Nazi concentration camps, home front workers on the 76th anniversary of the Great Victory, who with honor and courage withstood all the tests, withstood and made their contribution to the common Victory. I wish you and all Russian compatriots in Germany good health, peace and prosperity.

Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Germany Sergey NECHAEV.

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