Russian ambassador responded to statements on plans to create a base in Libya

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Moscow has no plans to establish a military base in Libya. This statement was made by the Russian Ambassador to Egypt Georgy Borisenko on the air of the TEN TV channel on July 29.

“Russia has no such plans,” RIA Novosti quotes a Russian representative.

According to Borisenko, no requests from the Russian side to the Libyan authorities for the creation of any military base, sea basing point were made.

Earlier, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Government of National Accord of Libya, Fathi Bashaga, stated the need “to interfere with Russia’s plans to create bases in Sirte and Jufra.”

On July 27, the presidents of Russia and Turkey, Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan, held telephone talks and discussed the situations in Libya and Syria.

In January, a Berlin conference was held, during which representatives of 16 countries agreed not to interfere in the situation in the Middle East anymore. They agreed on a ceasefire, compliance with the arms embargo and continued negotiations between the warring organizations.

After the overthrow and assassination of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, armed clashes continue in the country. There is a dual power: in the east, there is a popularly elected parliament, which cooperates with the Libyan National Army (LNA) of Marshal Khalifa Haftar, and in the west, in the capital of Tripoli, there is a government of national accord (GNA) formed by Fayez Sarraj, formed with the support of the UN and the EU.

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