Russia urged the United States to end “great power rivalry”

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In his speech at the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, Director of the Department for Nonproliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry Vladimir Yermakov called on the United States authorities to stop acting in the spirit of the concepts of “great power rivalry” or “peace based on force.” The text of the speech was read out on Friday, October 9, by the First Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN Dmitry Polyansky, reports TASS.

According to the diplomat, Russia is pursuing a consistent course of maintaining peace and, unlike the United States, “realizes its responsibility for international security, global and regional stability.”

“In our work, we act openly. We are consistently promoting political and diplomatic initiatives, we are implementing measures aimed at preventing the degradation of the situation in the field of security and stability, at maintaining and strengthening the architecture of arms control, ”Yermakov said.

He stressed that Moscow believes that “it is necessary to stop promoting confrontational models of reformatting international relations in the spirit of the concepts of” rivalry between great powers “or” peace based on force. “

On September 30, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov said that the proposal of Russian President Vladimir Putin to hold a meeting of the leaders of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council is still relevant. In his opinion, during the meeting, the permanent members of the UN Security Council could discuss the problems that have arisen at present.

In January, during the fifth World Holocaust Forum, Putin proposed holding a meeting of the heads of state of the permanent members of the UN Security Council – Russia, China, the United States, France and Great Britain. As the press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov later noted, the initiative was supported by the PRC and France. The US and Great Britain did not respond to the Russian proposal.

In early March, US President Donald Trump confirmed his agreement to meet with the leaders of Russia, China, France and the UK. He intends to make progress on a trilateral arms control agreement with Russia and China.

A few days later, the Russian Foreign Ministry announced that the agenda of the summit proposed by Putin should be broader than that of the United States.

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