Russia plans to create games under the brand “Petrov and Boshirov”

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Delta, a Russian company from the Moscow region, has announced the registration of the Petrov and Boshirov trademark. Board games will be created under this brand. This was announced on Tuesday, April 27 by the REN TV channel.

“We want to sell board games, adventure games, including abroad, so that the promoted brand would be beneficial for our state and profit for us. Only the lazy one does not write about Petrov and Boshirov now, so the brand recognition is all right – there will be no need to spend money on additional expenses, ”said a company representative.

According to the authors of the initiative, the trademark will also be used for the production of clothing, footwear, hats, wholesale and retail sales of goods and telecommunications.

The company filed an application for registration of the trademark with Rospatent on April 23 after another diplomatic scandal. The corresponding document is available on the website of the Federal Industrial Institute.

On April 17, the Czech police put two Russian citizens on the wanted list – Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babis said the authorities suspect the Russians of involvement in an explosion at an ammunition depot in Vrbetica in 2014. On the same day, the republic announced its decision to expel 18 Russian diplomats.

Moscow, in turn, declared 20 employees of the Czech embassy in the Russian Federation persona non grata. The accusations in Russia were categorically denied, and the fact that Prague does not publish a report on the explosion, Maria Zakharova called evidence of a lie.

In September 2018, British investigators put on the wanted list of Russian citizens Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov in the case of the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal with a nerve agent from the Novichok class.Later, the Russians gave an interview in which they confirmed that they were in the UK, but came to Salisbury to see the famous cathedral.