Rospotrebnadzor: deadline for death of coronavirus in water has been set

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The Vector Center conducted a study to establish the viability of coronavirus infection in water. As a result, it was possible to establish that the virus in sea and dechlorinated water is not able to multiply, but continues to live. Its decontamination depends on the water temperature. So when boiling, the virus completely dies. In water at room temperature, 90% of the particles of an insidious infection are destroyed within 24 hours, and 99.9% of pathogens – within 72 hours.

It is noted that on the morning of July 30 in the Volgograd region, since the beginning of the pandemic, a COVID-19 test gave a positive result in 8,958 people. In total, 61 patients became victims of the coronavirus.

Previously “MK in Volgograd” wrotethat COVID-19, according to WHO, will burn our society for a long time.

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