Two missiles of the Angara family will be launched in 2021. This was announced on Wednesday, December 16, by the head of the state corporation “Roscosmos” Dmitry Rogozin.
“Next year we will carry out launches of both heavy and light Angara, and the heavy one will fly with the powerful Perseus upper stage. These launches are carried out under the flight test program, where the customer is the Russian Ministry of Defense, ”Rogozin wrote on Twitter.
He added that at the moment work is underway on “Angara-A5B”. It will be twice as powerful as the Proton and will be able, according to Rogozin, to solve all the tasks of the Russian cosmonautics until 2032.
“This is not yet super-heavy, but already super-heavy, capable of solving all our tasks until 2032,” Rogozin stressed.
On the eve of the head of the state corporation announced the first manned missions of Russia to the moon, which will be implemented with the help of several launches of carrier rockets of the Angara family. Earlier it was planned to carry out such missions on the super-heavy rocket “Yenisei”.
Angara is a family of environmentally friendly launch vehicles of various classes. It includes light “Angara-1.2”, medium “Angara-A3”, heavy “Angara-A5” and increased carrying capacity “Angara-A5B”.
The first launch of “Angara-A5” took place in December 2014, the second test launch of the rocket was carried out from Plesetsk on December 14, 2020.