Residents of Khabarovsk chose the name of the new school

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Khabarovsk has decided on the name of the new school, which is being built in the Volochaevsky Gorodok microdistrict. Voting took place on the Istagram page of the city education department. The variant “Volochaevsky Lyceum” received the most votes.

According to IA AmurMedia, residents were offered 15 options to choose from. Users left about 250 comments under the post. However, the name has not yet been officially approved, since several documentary procedures need to be completed.

The new school will be merged with the existing educational institution, in the future it will become the second building of the lyceum, Tatyana Matveenkova explained to the agency of the primary education department.

The lyceum will be made with an engineering and technical bias, and there will also be a class with in-depth study of medicine. Mayor of Khabarovsk Sergey Kravchuk visited the construction site the day before. He noted that the work is proceeding in accordance with the schedule, but the improvement process needs to be accelerated.

The construction of the school began in 2019 as part of the Education national project. Delivery of the object is scheduled for the end of this year. Together with the equipment, the construction of the lyceum is estimated at about 1.3 billion rubles. Funding comes from federal, regional and city budgets.

The educational institution will be located in five buildings. The buildings themselves will be connected by closed passages.

Earlier it was reported that the Far Eastern State Scientific Library in Khabarovsk is in the process of converting rare editions from the funds of the institution into electronic format. This is being done within the framework of the Culture national project.

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