Recruiters named the most annoying resume phrases

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Over the past five years, recruiters have become calmer about the manner of filling out a resume, but more to value specifics, rather than stereotyped phrases. This was stated on Thursday, August 6, in a study by the SuperJob company, which was at the disposal of Izvestia on August 7.

Experts conducted a survey, as a result of which it turned out that almost every second recruiter in the resume of applicants is not annoyed by anything (49%).

“Any” bright moments “in the resume give a hint in understanding the applicant as a potential employee,” – noted the survey participants.

At the same time, some of the respondents identified the top 10 words and phrases that can cause irritation. The top three included stress resistance (18%), sociability (14%) and easy learning (7%).

In 2020, in comparison with the survey of five years ago, such expressions as “active life position”, “customer focus”, “ambition”, “multitasking” and “focus on results” were included in the rating. At the same time, the phrases “big salary”, “presentable appearance”, “want”, “responsibility” and “possession of office equipment” left the top 10.

Every third recruiter reported annoying phrases. 14% noted that it is not individual words that cause negative emotions, but incorrect design. The key complaint, just like five years ago, is the illiteracy of job seekers – it annoys 47% of interviewed recruiters.

Earlier on the same day, it became known that over the past year, vacancies for the position of a civil servant began to interest Russians twice as much.

A few days ago, in the course of a survey, it turned out that more than 70% of Russians value their work.

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