Reasons for Biden’s desire to meet with Putin revealed

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US President Joe Biden intends to personally meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to stabilize relations between the Russian Federation and the United States. United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said this.

According to him, Washington does not seek to aggravate relations with Moscow. Nevertheless, the United States will respond to those steps Russia considers unfriendly.

In addition, Blinken stressed that the possibility of more stable and predictable US-Russian relations depends on Moscow’s decision. “I think President Biden will have the opportunity, when he meets with President Putin, to talk about this directly,” the head of the State Department said.

He also recalled that despite “deep contradictions,” the United States and Russia were able to extend the strategic START-3 treaty.

Earlier, the American edition of The National Interest noted that Russia and China may come to a forced alliance if US President Joe Biden continues to threaten Moscow and Beijing. Allegedly, Biden’s words about the “consequences” for Moscow in the event of a conflict indicate that the American leader made a “last warning” to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. But if relations escalate, the United States will be forced to fight on two fronts. And then disaster awaits the United States.

Read also “The United States predicted a catastrophe due to Biden’s threats to Putin”