In Georgievsk, the investigative bodies of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Stavropol Territory completed a criminal investigation into the commission of two cruel crimes. A 26-year-old local resident is accused of them.
In June 2019, a girl, whose 45-year-old mother had disappeared, turned to the Georgievsk Investigation Department. During the search and verification measures carried out by the investigators, a man who found a bag with a missing woman’s passport near the Georgievsk-Novopavlovsk road turned to law enforcement officers. At the site of the find, the investigative-operational group found the body of the wanted woman with signs of a violent death. Investigators analyzed connections between subscribers in the area of the scene on the day of the disappearance of the deceased and went on the trail of the suspect. Already during the interrogation, he admitted that he gave the woman a lift and because of the conflict that arose, he hit her. Fearing that the victim would turn to law enforcement, he finished off the victim by hitting him with his fists, a car key and a tow rope.
After a genotyposcopic examination, a check of the suspect’s genotype was organized according to the available records, which revealed matches with the genotype identified in the subungual contents of another victim. In 2018, a previously unidentified perpetrator with particular cruelty committed sexual assault on a 66-year-old woman who survived only thanks to timely medical intervention.
These two episodes were combined into one criminal proceeding. Having collected enough evidence of the suspect’s guilt under paragraph “b” of Part 3 of Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 of Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the investigator transferred the criminal case with the approved indictment to the court, where it will be considered on the merits.