Quebec offers $ 1 million for Lebanon

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Quebec announced Friday a donation of $ 1 million for six international cooperation organizations to help the Lebanese affected by the political and economic crisis, worsened since the explosion at the port of Beirut on August 4.

The organizations chosen by the Minister of International Relations and La Francophonie and Minister of Immigration, Francization and Integration, Nadine Girault, have various objectives, including the financial recovery of small and medium-sized businesses, psychosocial assistance and primary health care.

The six organizations are Development and Peace ($ 200,000), Oxfam-Quebec ($ 200,000), Canadian Partners for Health International ($ 200,000), Humanity & Inclusion ($ 150,000), Médecins du monde ($ 150,000) ) and Collaboration Santé Internationale ($ 100,000).

“I am convinced that these international cooperation organizations will be able to use their resources to support the Lebanese populations hard hit by this disaster,” said Minister Girault. In addition to being actively involved in the field, they have long demonstrated their great capacity to intervene effectively to meet the most pressing human needs. ”

“Quebec and Lebanon are united by the French language and their belonging to the Francophonie. These natural links have helped to create a strong and dynamic Lebanese community in our country. I would like to once again convey all the solidarity of Quebeckers to the Lebanese people, ”she added.

The Lebanese army announced on September 19 that it had completed the sweeping and damage assessment operations that followed the Explosion, more than a month after the explosion.

In addition to 190 dead and 6,500 injured, the explosion left 300,000 people homeless and 85,744 “units” were damaged, “units” including homes, schools and hospitals.

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