Pushkov on Biden’s proposal: in fact, Russia puts a condition on the United States

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Russian Senator Alexei Pushkov in his Telegramm channel assessed the proposal of US President Joe Biden to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to hold a joint climate summit.

According to Pushkov, the fact that the Russian side reacted to this initiative very cautiously is completely justified.

“The owl, which Washington is so keen on, must be matched with concrete steps by the American administration ….. The favorite formula” we will punish Russia when we see fit and talk to her when we want “… does not work anymore. It was rejected by Russia. In fact, Moscow is setting a condition for Biden: any new sanctions and other hostile US actions against Russia will interfere with the holding of a bilateral summit and a real dialogue, “Pushkov writes.

And such a development of events, according to the senator, will ultimately be a blow to the authority of President Joe Biden and the possibilities of US foreign policy.

“We know about objections from the United States even without dialogue … If Washington sees an American monologue instead of a dialogue, there will be no sense,” Pushkov stressed.