Pushkov named the reasons for the struggle of Germany for the “Nord Stream – 2”

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The fight between Germany and the United States for the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is an unprecedented situation, and the FRG has a number of reasons for this. This was stated by Senator Alexei Pushkov in an interview published on Monday, August 10, “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”.

“Never before have the United States and the FRG entered into a conflict of such intensity and depth. Washington is threatening sanctions not only for German companies, but also for government agencies, and in Germany there are calls for retaliatory actions against the United States, in fact, for retaliatory sanctions, primarily of an economic nature, ”he said.

According to Pushkov, billions of dollars have been invested in the gas pipeline project by German companies, and Nord Stream 2 will be able to provide Germany with the role of one of the most important gas distribution centers in Europe. In addition, Berlin aspires to informal leadership in the European Union, which means that in this situation it cannot show its weakness.

“The Germans understand perfectly well that if they abandon this project now, they will never return it,” the senator stressed.

On August 6, several US senators demanded that the port operator of Mukran stop supporting the construction of Nord Stream 2, threatening to “financially destroy”.

The spokesman for the Bundestag faction “Alternative for Germany” on energy, MP Steffen Kotrets, believes that these threats from the United States are a new step in the economic war against the sovereign energy policy of Germany and Europe.

The representative of the Free Democratic Party in the Bundestag on energy issues Martin Naumann, in turn, regarded the statement of the American senators as a new round of escalation of the geopolitical conflict between the US and the EU.

Nord Stream 2 is being built from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea to implement direct gas supplies to Europe. The EU countries mainly support the project and participate in its implementation. The USA, the Baltic countries, Poland and Ukraine are against.

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