Presidential election in Uganda: Museveni maintains its large lead

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President Yoweri Museveni, in power since 1986, maintained his large lead on Saturday against his direct opponent, singer and deputy Bobi Wine, according to the latest partial results released by the Electoral Commission on Saturday.

• Read also: Uganda: Bobi Wine says “fraud and violence” marked the election

According to these results, covering 86.7% of the polling stations, Mr. Museveni received 58.8% of the vote, against 34.2 for Bobi Wine – Robert Kyagulanyi of his real name.

The final results of the January 14 presidential election are expected Saturday afternoon.

At the same time, the partial results of the legislative elections – organized on the same day as the presidential election – seem to make the Platform of National Unity (NUP), the formation of Mr. Wine, a 38-year-old pop star, the future main opposition party. in Parliament.

The NUP notably won eight of the nine constituencies of the capital Kampala.

The elections took place at the end of a particularly violent campaign, marked by the harassment and arrests of members of the opposition, attacks on the media and the death of at least 54 people in riots after yet another arrest of Mr Wine, whose campaign has been largely hampered in the name of anti-Covid restrictions.

The vote took place in apparent calm Thursday, but under the strong and oppressive presence of riot police and soldiers, and against the background of an internet cut, entered its 4th day on Saturday.

Mr Wine denounced massive frauds – such as ballot stuffing or assaults on his party observers, who were sometimes kicked out of polling stations.

Friday he has already denounced the first partial results: “what is announced is a complete masquerade, we reject them,” he said, promising evidence as soon as the internet is restored.

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