Preparing For Your Best Water Adventure: 15 Helpful Tips

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Ever felt hot these days and thoughts of checking that bucket list? There are plenty of things to do when it comes to water adventure. These come in all shapes and sizes; fun, thrilling, and extreme. Seems interested? Before you head out, here are the fifteen helpful tips to prepare for your best water adventure.

Prepare The Right Equipment

The first thing to know when going for a water adventure is the correct equipment you need. Some people prefer to use inflatable canoes as they are much lighter and easier to carry. They’re also very convenient and human-powered, so you do not need to worry about getting out of gas somewhere. Prepare your paddles for a canoeing or kayaking adventure. A life jacket or a personal floatation device is the safety equipment you need to prepare.

Learn How To Swim

Certain risks come with water adventures. These risks go higher depending on the skill level of water activity. You can still enjoy a water adventure even if you do not know how to swim. But you must limit the type of activities you are getting yourself. Swimming can save you from trouble. There are basic swimming techniques you can learn. These will allow you to be confident and comfortable with water, these includes:

  • Front Crawl
  • Breaststroke
  • Flutter Kick
  • Floating
  • Sculling Water
  • Dog Paddle

These techniques will help you keep afloat when your canoe or kayak malfunctions.

Check The Weather Before You Go

Before you head out, you should check the weather forecast. Knowing this will let you know what to pack and what to expect. In some cases, strong winds will likely drive you away. In this case, you should paddle along the shore or postpone your adventure for the day. It may seem that the weather may seem to hinder your water adventure plans. Your safety is your top priority. Water adventures are best during summer. Aside from getting refreshed from the heat, you can enjoy the best views of the oceans, beaches, and rivers.

Plan The Water Adventure Ahead Of Time

It is fun to have a spontaneous adventure. Planning will save you a lot of time and resources. For example, if you plan to go canoeing, you should have studied the route and the estimated time of return. Choosing your destination is essential in making your water adventure trip memorable. You can prepare a map of the area. If you get lost, you will have a bigger chance of finding your way back. It is also great to plan how much time you have for the water adventure. Planning your finances and expenditures will also help a lot.

Learn Some Basic Safety Skills

Before going on a water adventure, you must know some basic safety skills. These skills will save you and others from trouble later on. Here are some safety skills you need to learn:

  • How to signal for help if you are in danger
  • Survival floating
  • Mouth to mouth artificial respiration
  • How to use emergency floating devices

Get On A Water Adventure With A Buddy

Being on a water trip alone could be boring. The essence of the best water adventure is bringing someone along to enjoy your time. The experience and memories are at their best with someone. Being along with friends and your family can make the water adventure worthwhile.

Capture The Moments

The capturing of the moments matters. Pictures are there to remind us of a great adventure we had. A photo of you in a canoe or a kayak will be a great thing to reminisce about what a great water adventure you had. Capturing the moments will make you remember the fun and the people.

Do Not Starve Yourself

Food is necessary on every water adventure trip. Your body will get exhausted. You will need to eat to help your body regenerate from an extensive water adventure. Keep yourself in the best condition every time you go in the water. It will help you avoid being weak and tired of any activity you planned for the day. It is best to have breakfast before going on any water activity for a day.

Protect Your Skin From The Sun

You could be dreaming of a nice swimsuit picture fit for posting on your social media, but having sunburned skin is far from fabulous. Wear plenty and layers of sunscreen or sunblock cream when under the sun so you don’t get burned. Wearing sun-protective clothing, wetsuits, and rashguards can help you not have damaged skin. You should wear sunglasses and caps to keep you comfortable under the sun.

Do Not Drink Alcohol During The Water Adventure

For your safety, you should not do a water adventure when drunk. As much as you want to have a water adventure to be fun, you should always think of yourself when you are on the water. Drinking will only cause you problems like risking yourself to get drowned. You can enjoy a sip of a cold beer when done with the day’s water activities.

Do Not Go To Unfamiliar Routes

Exploring is fun not until you get lost. You must always bring a map when you are new to a place. Make sure to follow your team and swimming buddies to avoid getting lost. It is best to follow the leader and not go somewhere else. Keep your play limited and get familiar with the area’s rules.

Keep Everything Within The Budget

The best water adventure does not mean spending more than you have planned. It is best to keep your spending on track and not over your budget. Being on a water adventure with a large group will help you save more than being alone.

Always Stay Alert

It is best to stay aware of your surroundings. Check the condition of your equipment before going out. Once engaged on the water, you must be alert for any danger. Always be in the proper form and avoid risky behaviours. If you sense danger, keep away from the water and postpone the activity to another day.

Be Respectful Of The Sea Life

Never harm or destroy water creatures. Do not mess with the animals. It is OK to examine them but always be gentle. Some protected species live in the water. Always be mindful and careful around marine animals.

Have Fun!

While keeping the safety tips in mind, you can have a fun water adventure. Try different water sports like:

  • Surfing
  • Canoeing
  • Wakeboarding
  • Scuba diving
  • Kayaking

These activities will make your water adventure more memorable.

In Conclusion

The goal to have the best water adventure will entail planning. It does not need to be extensive and complex. Make your water adventure more fun by getting everyone involved in the planning. By following the tips we have outlined in this article, you will have everything you need to make your water adventure a success. So start packing your bags and get ready for some fun and enjoy.