Poroshenko called “Zelensky’s poll” electoral falsification

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Organized by Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the poll is the biggest electoral fraud in the entire history of independent Ukraine, the country’s fifth president, Petro Poroshenko, said on Friday, October 25.

“I hoped that Zelensky would come to his senses and cancel this election campaign, which throws us away from Europe. At first it was called “referendum”, then “poll”, then “sociology”. And then they called it what it really is – the illegal election campaign of Zelensky and his “servants”. This is the biggest falsification in the history of Ukraine, ”the press service of the Eurosolidarity party quotes Poroshenko.

The head of the party thanked voters who ignored the poll.

“It will not bring anything but harm to Ukraine,” Poroshenko stressed.

Earlier on Sunday, it was reported that in Ukraine, where elections to local governments are being held, the police have already opened 14 criminal cases on the facts of violations.

On October 15, it became known that during the local elections, citizens will be asked to answer five questions.

The first two concern the introduction of life sentences for large corrupt officials and the creation of a free economic zone in Donbass.

Two more questions are about reducing the number of deputies to the Verkhovna Rada to 300 and the possibility of legalizing cannabis for medical purposes to reduce pain in seriously ill patients.

The last question concerns the sphere of “security guarantees defined by the Budapest Memorandum for the restoration of state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.”

Elections are held in all local governments in the country. This is the first local elections in Ukraine since the election of Volodymyr Zelenskyy as president of the country in 2019.

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