Popova spoke about the rules for imposing fines due to tests for COVID-19

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The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova warned Russians returning from abroad about the inevitability of a fine if the results of mandatory coronavirus tests are not uploaded to the State Services portal within three days. At the same time, she noted that if there are supporting documents, the fine will not be imposed. On Sunday, October 11, the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia told about this in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

She recalled that after the opening of flights on August 1, the 14-day isolation on arrival was replaced by tests.

“Our citizens, airlines, travel agencies were informed about this in advance. And each person, planning his flight abroad, knows exactly what he should do upon returning home, ”said Popova and added that the departments of Rospotrebnadzor in the regions strictly monitor and punish violators in accordance with the Administrative Code.

At the same time, Popova clarified, if a person has “supporting documents that the court can accept,” then the fine is not imposed. For example, the reason may be a site malfunction, when a person tried to upload the results to the public services portal for three days, and only on the fourth day he succeeded.

The punishment for failure to provide test results for coronavirus after arriving from abroad provides for the payment of a fine from 15 thousand to 40 thousand rubles.

As of October 10, more than 500 thousand rubles were paid by 36 Muscovites for such a violation. In total, 2031 notifications of attendance were sent to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense. 1370 protocols were drawn up.

The number of new cases of coronavirus infection in the world is hitting an anti-record for the third day in a row; over the past day, 383,359 patients with confirmed COVID-19 were recorded.

Earlier on October 10, Johns Hopkins University reported that the number of detected cases of coronavirus infection in the world exceeded 37 million. According to the latest data, in the world since the beginning of the pandemic, 1,069,836 patients with COVID-19 have died. Over 25 million sick people have recovered over the entire time.

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