Policemen of Melenkovsky district uncovered several thefts from shops

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By admin

In early July, the police in the Melenkovsky district received a number of messages from employees of chain stores about the theft of unknown goods.

Police officers examined the CCTV footage and interviewed witnesses to identify and locate the suspects.

The defendants were detained in the neighboring region, after which they were taken to the Melenkovsky police department.

The suspects – 23- and 24-year-old young people from Moscow – pleaded guilty, explaining that they were passing through Melenki when they went to Murom.

It turned out that one of the defendants stole hygiene products worth 5 thousand rubles from one of the stores. Hiding the stolen goods in a backpack, he paid only for a bottle of alcoholic beverages. The next day, the guy sold the stolen goods in the Murom market. Similarly, they committed three more thefts. Material damage left more than 15 thousand rubles.

Criminal cases have been initiated against young people. They face imprisonment for up to two years.

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