Police slave owner from Tatarstan will go to colony for 4 years

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The day before, the Aksubaevsky District Court of Tatarstan put an end to the case of a policeman-slave owner. By a court decision, the ex-law enforcement officer will go to a colony for four years. The press service of the court reports.

Recall that Daniyar Gafiyatov kidnapped a fellow villager in the spring of 2019 and brought him to his father to help him with the household. At the same time, payment for labor was not considered. In addition, the man was warned about punishment when trying to escape: in this case, an unsolved crime would be hanged on him. During the period of slavery, the slave was regularly beaten and bullied.

The case for the man’s escape appeared thanks to his sister, who turned to law enforcement agencies. The culprit was detained. He was charged for abuse of office and illegal imprisonment. The ex-employee will spend the next four years in a general regime colony.

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