Police in Prague used special equipment against sports fans

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Police in Prague used water cannons to disperse an initially authorized rally of approximately 1,000 sports fans protesting the cancellation of all sports due to COVID-19. This was reported on October 18 by Czech Radio.

Many of those who gathered in Old Town Square did not have medical masks and did not observe social distance, thereby violating the orders of the authorities. As a result, soon after the beginning of the rally, the authorities decided to ban it.

The protesters in response to the actions of the police began to throw stones, bottles and other objects at them. “According to preliminary information, there should be about 20 victims on the spot, including police officers. Injuries can be due to collisions or caused by tear gas, ”said spokeswoman for the Prague rescue service, Jana Postova.

The rally was condemned by Czech Prime Minister Andrei Babish. According to him, the audience did not think about the health of fellow citizens. Immediately after the rally, law enforcement officers detained 16 of its participants.

Earlier in October, restrictions were tightened in Europe due to the pandemic. In the Czech Republic, all cinemas and fitness centers were closed for two weeks. Cafes and restaurants are open only until 20:00 local time, and a maximum of four people can sit at the tables.

According to the republican Ministry of Health, next week, doctors predict an increase to 15-20 thousand new cases per day. In total, there are currently 98.5 thousand patients with COVID-19 in the Czech Republic.

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