Poklonskaya complained to the police about the threats of Ukrainian radicals

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State Duma deputy and former prosecutor of Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya complained to the police about threats from Ukrainian radicals. This was reported by the REN TV channel on Thursday, December 17.

According to Poklonskaya, unknown persons collect and disseminate information about her private and family life in the media and the Internet, and also threaten her. The deputy fears for his life and the health of his loved ones.

According to some reports, Poklonskaya believes that the attacks in her direction are associated with the Ukrainian organization “Right Sector” (an extremist organization banned in Russia).

Earlier, she repeatedly spoke sharply about the activities of Ukrainian radicals.

So, in February, the deputy wrote in her Telegram channel that the “Right Sector” had passed a “death sentence to all of Ukraine,” and the President of the country, Volodymyr Zelensky, silently agreed with him.

“On the nose is a“ significant ”date – seven years of Euromaidan. And for me, the results of this crime are recorded on 14 pages, which were sent to me by mail from Kiev. This is my death sentence passed by militants from the “Right Sector”, – she said.

Poklonskaya added that she was lucky thanks to the “professional protection”, despite the fact that the radicals arranged on her “assassination attempts one after another.”

Crimea returned to Russia in 2014 following a referendum in which the majority of the peninsula’s residents voted for annexation. Ukraine, the United States and a number of other countries refuse to recognize the voting results.

Moscow has repeatedly stressed that the referendum was held in compliance with international norms and is legitimate.

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