Pipelayer “Nord Stream 2” in German waters left the port of Wismar

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The anchor pipelayer “Fortuna”, which the FRG designated as the vessel that will complete the construction of the “Nord Stream – 2” in its waters, left the German port of Wismar. This is evidenced by the MarineTraffic data on December 5.

In this case, the final point of the path is not indicated in the vessel’s route.

Earlier that day, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency of the Federal Republic of Germany (BSH) issued a navigation warning that Fortuna will be used to complete the gas pipeline. The vessel is expected to lay pipes south of the shallow Adlergrund area in the Baltic Sea between 5 and 31 December.

At the same time, another vessel participating in the construction of the gas pipeline – the pipe-laying vessel Akademik Chersky – stopped traffic earlier that day and is now 150 km from the port of Mukran, the logistics base of the Nord Stream 2 project.

On the eve, “Academician Chersky went west from the Kaliningrad region without a specific point.

On December 4, it was reported that expanded sanctions against Nord Stream 2 were included in the defense budget bill agreed by both chambers of the US Congress.

At the same time, on December 1, Germany announced that they plan to create a special climate protection fund in order to bypass American sanctions on the gas pipeline.

On the same day, BSH confirmed that it had agreed on the laying of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in German waters for December and was considering an application to continue work in January-April 2021.

Nord Stream 2 is being built from Russia to Germany along the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Due to previously imposed US sanctions, pipe-laying work was suspended as the Swiss company Allseas withdrew its vessels from the Baltic.

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