Peskov said there were no plans for contacts between Putin and Tikhanovskaya

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No contacts are planned between Russian leader Vladimir Putin and ex-presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya. This was announced on Wednesday, October 7, by Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

“Mrs. Tikhanovskaya is not in Belarus, it can hardly be said that she somehow participates in the life of Belarus. No contacts are planned, ”he said.

Peskov noted that at the moment Tikhanovskaya is on the territory of the European Union, actively travels around the countries and meets with the heads of state and government, who, in turn, consider the current President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko to be illegitimate.

The day before, Tikhanovskaya met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin, and on September 29 – with French President Emmanuel Macron in Vilnius. In particular, the oppositionist proposed to the French leader to hold negotiations on the organization of new presidential elections in Belarus on the OSCE platform.

The presidential elections in Belarus were held on August 9. After that, opposition rallies began in the country, disagreeing with the voting results, according to which Alexander Lukashenko won with 80.1% of the votes.

Opposition candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya refused to acknowledge the election results and called on the international community to support the demonstrators. The EU and the USA were considered illegitimate President Lukashenko.

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