Peskov called Zelensky’s statement about the responsibility of the USSR for World War II a mistake

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made a huge mistake by declaring that the USSR and Germany were equally responsible for the Second World War, said on Sunday, December 27, the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov.

“It was a huge mistake, especially in the year of the 75th anniversary of the Victory,” he said on the air of the Moscow. Kremlin. Putin “on the TV channel” Russia 1 “.

According to a Kremlin spokesman, “this greatly shattered not only the rumor, but also the heart of not only (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, but also a huge number of our veterans,” as well as many residents of Ukraine.

In January, Zelensky, during a visit to Poland, named the USSR as one of the states that unleashed World War II.

According to the Ukrainian leader, the war was led by the “conspiracy of totalitarian regimes,” which Poland was the first to feel.

Putin commented on Zelensky’s words this summer, noting that they could negatively affect relations between Moscow and Kiev.

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Rubtsov called Zelensky’s speech politically biased. In a conversation with Izvestia, he recalled that the first victim of Hitler’s aggression was not Poland – first Germany included Austria in its structure, and then absorbed Czechoslovakia.

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