People’s Artist of Russia Yekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya hospitalized

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People’s Artist of Russia, singer, actress of the Moscow theater “Romen” Yekaterina Zhemchuzhnaya was hospitalized. This was announced on Friday, July 31st, by her representative.

“They sent him to hospital,” TASS quotes him. He did not specify the reason and the place from where Pearl was taken to the hospital.

Later, her daughter Olga Zhemchuzhnaya clarified that the artist is undergoing a preventive examination. “Everything is fine, she went to the examination for prevention,” the TV channel “360” quotes her as saying.

Pearl was born in 1944 in the Tula region and after school entered the Ippolitov-Ivanov Music School. Later she moved to the Romen Theater. She played in the performances “We are Gypsies” and “Witchcraft Love”.

Known to the viewer on the television series “Eternal Call”, the films “Carnival”, “Queen Margot”, “Carmelita” and “Gypsy happiness”, writes “”.

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